Read More without Refresh

Heyo! Thanks for using our plugin - Its a pleasure.

Read More without Refresh is a WordPress plugin that allows you include text which wont be visible to users, unless they press "Read More" button.
Its purpose is to boost your SEO and your visitors experience, by allowing you to include tons of data readable by search engines, without affecting your visitors in a negative way.

In case you are not aware of its usage, simply paste this shortcode within your posts/pages, and include hidden text between the closing:

[read more="Click here to Read More" less="Read Less"] My Hidden Paragraph Here [/read]

You can alter "Click here to Read More" and "Read Less" texts by editing /wp-content/plugins/read-more-without-refresh/index.php file.
You can alter colors by editing /wp-content/plugins/read-more-without-refresh/style.css file.

If you face any difficulties, feel free to raise a support ticket here
We are always around, ready to help!

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Donate, so we can continue our work and develop newer versions of it!

Thanks for using our plugin,
George from 8web